Start saving today with these top tips:

  • Plan like a pro

    Setting aside time to plan your meals will save you a tonne of time and money. Get tips to becoming a planning pro in no time.

  • Store it right

    With your food shop done, learn about the tips and tricks to make it last as long as possible and save it from the bin.

  • Love your leftovers

    Turning leftover food and meals into a delicious new meal or a tasty snack will save you money and make your shop last longer.

2.9 million whole potatoes are thrown away every day in the UK!

Let’s get cooking!

Create meals, desserts and snacks with delicious waste-busting Food Savvy recipes.

Top 10 ingredient swaps

Missing an ingredient? We can help!


What would you do with £1,000?

The Nuffolks are saving £1,000 a year by taking some simple steps to reduce food waste.

Want to get involved?

Whether you’re looking to save food in your home, at school, or even share a recipe with us – there are heaps of ways to get involved with Food Savvy!

I’m a…

  • Ready to save food and money at home while doing your bit for the planet? Arm yourself with Food Savvy tips and hacks. Get ready to get cooking.

    From planning your meals, to storing your food the right way and loving your leftovers.

    Click here to start saving.

  • Through our Fab Foods campaign, your school can develop core knowledge and skills across a range of subjects, all helping families to cut food waste and save money.

    Find out more

  • If you want to get started with doing your bit for the planet with your business or workplace right away, why not challenge your colleagues to get Food Savvy and reduce their food waste now.

    Find out more or get in touch for more info.

  • Are you a chef or influencer and ready to get the Food Savvy word out to help everybody save food and money? Click here to find out more.