Mission Food Savvy: Saving Agent Spuds
Move over spy heroes, Sgt Spuds plus an army of special agent parsnips and the spooky pumpkin platoon are here to save food waste this autumn.
Your mission…
…Should you wish to accept it, is to help everything from potatoes and parsnips to pumpkins, escape the clutches of the evil waste bin. Can you green-light more successful meal missions for our tasty friends?
Mission objective
Potatoes and root vegetables are top of the most wasted foods list – but they don’t have to be. With a little bit of savvy-craft, you can make sure nothing goes to waste. It’s a mission that could help you:
Be inspired by agents in the field
Sgt Spud’s mouth watering recipes
Agent Parsnip’s recipe inspiration
Save food – did you know households in Norfolk and Suffolk throw away enough food in a year to fill Norwich Castle almost 25 times over, or 155 Bury St Edmunds Cathedrals?
Save money – the average household wastes over two months’ worth of food shops each year (around £730)
Save the planet – when it comes to climate change, if everyone in the UK stopped throwing away food for just one day it would be like taking 14,000 cars off the road for a whole year
Mission preparation is essential to eliminating waste and mealtime meltdown
Make sure your spuds are action ready at moments notice by storing them properly. This might even mean sending them undercover in the dark and cold cover of the freezer!
As the spooky season moves in our agents are working hard around the clock, help the pumpkin platoon prep the kitchens so no pumpkin is left behind!
The Spooky Pumpkin Platoon Halloween plan
Potato problems, From freezer with love
Get creative with your missions
Your potatoes and root veg face many perils on their mission to get eaten, but as their handler there’s plenty you can do to help them get served with distinction. Just give potatoes a quick rub to make them 'no eyes only' and give any green and rotten bits the chop to make them good to go!
Licence to plan
Whether you’re simmering a soup or cooking up a roast dinner get ahead of your leftovers with a plan before you shop. Get briefed on savvy planning.
Live and let store
With the right intel, you can help potatoes and vegetables last longer. It doesn’t take much to keep them in top shape. Often your ingredients must remain undercover in a dark cupboard, chill in the fridge or go into a deep freeze until mission meal ready to get chopping. Find the smartest ways to store your food until you’re ready to get chopping.
Eat another day
Plans change, but potatoes and root vegetables are versatile players –
turn up the heat and pressure and put these agents’ special abilities and flavours to the test!
Whether Sgt spuds & special agent root veg are sent undercover into a curry or given new identities as Sgt Bubble and Agent Squeak. Discover more leftover hacks.