Top tips for storing fruit and veg like a pro

Fresh fruit and vegetables are healthy and delicious but are also some of the most commonly wasted foods.

These top tips for storing fruit and veg will help you keep your five-a-day in peak condition until you're ready to eat them. All lush, no mush in your fridge and fruit bowl from now on.


Get more from broccoli by giving it the five-star fridge treatment, pop it in a jar of fresh water like a bouquet of flowers.

Potatoes and sweet potatoes

Potatoes are best kept in a cool, dry and dark place. You can either store them in a cupboard or the fridge. Research has shown that potatoes stored in the fridge last 3 times longer than those in a cupboard. For more storage information check out Love Food Hate Waste. Don’t worry if they have started sprouting, just cut off any sprouts or green bits before using them.


Parsnips like to be kept cool and dry and in the dark so a cupboard or the fridge is the ideal place to keep them at their best. For more information about this fabulous vegetable head over to Riverford Organic Farmers.


860,000 apples are thrown away a day in the UK! Apples last up to two weeks longer in the fridge in their original packaging. If you buy them loose, pop them in a reusable container in the fridge.


Bananas should be kept in a cool and dark place (but not the fridge) and should generally keep their distance from other fruit and veg. Sorry bananas!


A mushroom’s ideal home is in the fridge in a paper bag or the original packaging. Once opened, keep them fresh by covering them with a folded tea towel snugly like a blanket.

Lettuce, Salad leaves and Spinach

Moisture is the mortal enemy of our leafy heroes. Keep them fresher for longer in the fridge in their original packaging or in a container lined with a piece of kitchen towel


Last up to two weeks longer in their original packaging in the fridge. Only using part of a pepper? Keep peppers perky by leaving the stalk and seeds attached, then store in the fridge.


Can wilt as it loses water. Revive it in a refreshing bowl of ice water. And don't forget to use those lovely leaves in a stew, stock or soup!


Are best stored in the fridge or on the counter to ripen them quickly. Only need half? Leave the stone in and sprinkle with lemon juice to prevent the other half from browning, then store in the fridge.