Okonomiyaki is a traditional Japanese street food that can include almost any ingredient, some varieties are even topped with crispy bacon!. It’s a great way of using up any leftover vegetables in the bottom of your fridge and really quick to make. This is cooked almost as frequently as a stir-fry in my household!

Serves 2


For the batter:

  • 150g plain flour

  • 2 eggs

  • 150ml water

  • 2 tsp soy sauce

  • 1 tsp caster sugar

  • 1 tsp baking powder

  • 1 tsp sesame seed oil (optional)

For the mix:

(Any combination of vegetables work great but here are my suggestions)

  • 1/2 cabbage (white, Chinese, hips, or sweetheart varieties all work well)

  • 1 Sweet pepper

  • 4 spring onions

  • 1 carrot

  • Broccoli stems, cauliflower leaves, green leaves (optional)

  • 2cm ginger

  • 2 cloves garlic

Toppings: (all optional)

  • Tomato ketchup

  • Mayonnaise 

  • Spring onions

  • Sriracha hot sauce

  • Nori Seaweed


  1. Start by making the batter: Place all ingredients in a large bowl and whisk until smooth.

  2. For the mix: Finely slice the cabbage, pepper, spring onions, and carrot and add to the bowl of batter.

  3. Grate or finely chop the ginger and garlic and add these to the bowl of batter.

  4. Mix everything well until combined.

  5. Heat a frying pan using a small amount of oil.

  6. Fill a ladle with the pancake batter mix and pour it into the pan, spreading it to cover as much as the pan as possible, creating an even layer of vegetables.

  7. Fry the pancake 3-4 minutes then flip and cook the other side for the same length of time.

  8. Once the pancake is golden and crispy, remove from the pan to a plate.

  9. Top the pancake with a variety of ketchup, mayonnaise, sliced spring onions, Sriracha hot sauce, and shredded nori.

Recipe courtesy of Rowen Halstead

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