Carrot tops are such an underrated ingredient that often get thrown away. Their herbal flavour, similar to parsley and aniseed, work perfectly for this pesto, which is also great for using up any old herbs or greens wilting in your fridge.

Makes a 300ml jar


  • Carrot tops from 10 carrots (washed well)

  • 6 sprigs of parsley 

  • 6 sprigs of basil (Other soft herbs are fine to use)

  • 40g walnuts (Pinenuts and almonds work nicely too)

  • 20g parmesan or grana padana, grated

  • 40g feta (optional)

  • 100ml olive oil

  • A few handfuls of spinach or kale

  • 2 cloves of garlic 

  • A pinch of salt


  1. Place all ingredients into a food processor, including the stems of the herbs and the skins of the garlic (it’s all edible! More importantly, it’s all flavour!)

  2. Blend on full speed until smooth, you might need a few splashes of water.

  3. Use it straight away with pasta, dotted on pizza, or mixed through a salad. Alternatively, pour it into a clean, sterile jar and store in your fridge for up to 5 days.

    Recipe courtesy of Rowen Halstead

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