Try something new

We all live busy lives, and it can be hard to find a moment to try new things.

Now that many of us are spending more time than usual at home, it might just be a chance to try something that’s been loitering on your to-do list for a while.

For those of us who are busier than ever (home schooling, anyone?), these lovely tips and recipes will ultimately save you time, give your meals a healthy boost, and save money and food. A little investment goes a long way.

1. Fermentation

The ancient but on-trend art of fermentation is gathering legions of followers around the world, and with good reason. This simple technique preserves vegetables and turbo charges their nutritional value. Add a little K-Pop and a lot of vitamin C to your life with this simple, savvy and scrumptious kimchi. Use up delicious vegetable ends with this food waste fighting sauerkraut. Zing up your marinades and salads with preserved lemons.

2. Butter

Yes, you can make butter at home. That cream hiding at the back of your fridge has life in it yet. One of the greatest kitchen miracles is the transformation of cream into the nation’s favourite toast topper.

3. Plant milks

Whether you follow a plant-based diet, or you’ve just run out of cow juice and don’t fancy a trip to the shop, this oat milk is a doddle to make. It's tasty and healthy, and makes a lovely, local and sustainable choice for your coffee. It also works a treat in baking.

4. Kefir

Kefir is a drink made from milk which has been fermented with kefir grains. Kefir grains are a Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeasts (or SCOBY) and are used as a ‘starter’ to kick off the fermentation process, available in health food shops. Kefir is packed with good bacteria, which helps fight off the bad bacteria in your gut and is good for digestion.

5. Sourdough Starter

In our busy world, it’s rare to take on a kitchen project that takes a few days to see results. A sourdough bread starter takes time, but not much of your time. Channel your inner science nerd and enjoy this amazing process that takes simple flour and water, and becomes a bubbling pot of wholesome natural yeast. If you don’t have a proving basket, use a well-floured bowl.

6. Fruit Leather

Sweets, straight up from nature. Give the more tired members of your fruit bowl new life with this moreish fruit leather recipe. A great, zero waste and healthy snack for little ones and adults alike.

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