Shop smart, save money

You’d be surprised how easy it is to save £££’s off your weekly shop! Take a look at the tips below and get in touch if you think there’s something we missed which could help others save too.

Shop with a list

Lists can be made on the back of an envelope, a note pad on the fridge door or an app on your phone. Some apps allow you to share lists with others so that you can split the shopping.

If you feel tempted by a bargain in store that’s not on your list, think about whether that item can be used, frozen or stored for a later date.

Struggling to make a list? Try planning meals before going on your shop, and only buy what you need. If you need some inspiration, we’ve got lots of recipes to try!

Shop online

If you have meal plans that you keep going back to, its a great way to shop. Save a list for each plan

Pasta with homemade pesto

Veggie Irish stew with dumplings

Bread and butter pudding

Buy loose

It might be cheap, but can you really finish that sack of potatoes? Thought not! Buy loose fruit and veg for smaller portions.

Some foods are available now in split packs (such as ham or part baked baguettes) this will make your food last longer and allow you to freeze half to use at a later date.

Know your dates

Check food labels in store. Don’t buy food with a fast approaching use-by date unless you know you are going to eat it.

Get wonky

Many retailers now sell fruit and veg that have not met cosmetic standards at a discount. Bendy courgettes are more fun… You heard it here first!