Veggie pigs in blankets

Pigs in blankets are a staple part of a classic Christmas dinner and why should the veggies miss out? These veggies in vests are a really quick and easy way of impressing your guests and they make a great side or starter.

Serves [4 as a snack]


  • 1 large aubergine

  • 1 block of halloumi (225 grams)

  • A handful of parsley (or any other herb you have to use up)

  • 1 lemon

  • Chilli flakes (optional)


  1. Cut the aubergine lengthways into thin slices and fry them for a few minutes on each side in a pan with a few drops of oil.

  2. Finely chop a few handfuls of parsley and zest the lemon onto a chopping board.

  3. Chop the halloumi into finger sized sticks and roll them in the chopped parsley and lemon zest.

  4. Wrap the halloumi in the aubergine slices and bake in the oven at 180 celsius for 10 minutes with a squeeze of lemon juice.

  5. Watch Sarah have a go at making these in our video on cooking up a vegetarian Christmas!

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