Granola with Nuts and Seeds

Knock this up at the weekend and enjoy delicious granola every morning, great with fresh fruit and yoghurt.

Serves [a family for quite a few breakfasts]


  • 4 tablespoons vegetable or coconut oil

  • 250 grams maple syrup

  • 4 tablespoons honey

  • 600 grams oats

  • 100 grams sunflower seeds

  • 4 tablespoons sesame seeds

  • 100 grams pumpkin seeds

  • 200 grams flaked almonds

  • 200 grams mixed dried berries

  • 100 grams desiccated coconut


  1. Mix the oil, maple syrup and honey in a bowl.

  2. Pour in all of the other ingredients apart from the dried fruit and coconut and mix well.

  3. Pour the mix on to two lined baking trays and bake at 150C for 10 minutes.

  4. Take the trays out the oven and add the coconut and dried fruit and bake for another 15 mins.

  5. Take out of oven and scrape onto another tray to cool quicker. Once cool store in an airtight container.

Recipe provided by Sous Chef, Lewis Ryan of The Packhorse Inn

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